
The Hillman Academy is made possible by the help of our many sponsors and supporters. It is due to them that we can offer a quality research program each summer in turn support students in STEM.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF)

National Cancer Institute Youth Enjoy Science Program

The Beckwith Institute Hillman Foundation

Shadyside Hospital Foundation

Ear and Eye Foundation

NIH CURE - past

UPMC Center for Engagement and Inclusion – past

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Stan Marks Foundation

University of Pittsburgh

UPMC Parking and Security – past

Grateful parents and patients

Fund for the Advancement of Minority Education (FAME)

Homeless Children's Education Fund (HCEF)

Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) Remake Learning



Precollege STEM Programs at Pitt

The Citizen Science Lab

Gene Team BioZone

Community Engagement Centers

Propel Schools

Grateful Parents, Patients and Alumni.

Thanks to the 100s of faculty, postdoc and staff mentors across campus each of which is recognized on the individual student abstracts and site schedules!